Surfer Login

Use your bitcoin wallet address below to sign into your account.

Accounts are created automatically and can be secured with a password after you verify your wallet address.

How it works

No registration required, just sign in with your wallet address used to surf. You will be logged into an account that is automatically created for that address.

In order to access your account dashboard you need to follow some steps in order to verify that you are indeed the owner of that address by signing a message.

More info on how to verify your bitcoin wallet address can be found on the verify page and FAQ page.

Advertisers Login

Looking for the Advertiser Login page? Here it is.

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Oh no! We've detected that your browser is using an ad blocking plugin :( relies heavily on displaying ads to our users. This is how we are able to keep the site running and keep offering you this service. We try to make this process less annoying by displaying relevant ads that we think you may like.

Please consider disabling any ad blocking software before continuing. If you don't, some features of the site will be unusable.

The BitVisits Team

Walkthrough Videos

Having trouble getting started? View sample walkthrough videos below for Surfers and for Advertisers.

Surfer Help Walkthrough Video
Advertiser Help Walkthrough Video